
vendredi 6 février 2015

Why I travel?

For years I made it a habit to leave with my backpack to travel the world. I had the chance to set foot in different countries of the world and that to my delight and my open mind. I go out a little from the theme of my blog but this is close to my heart

The greenland: the hike with icebergs is an absolute dream.

These trips have given me a lot. I have learned a lot about myself and others. When we stay cloistered in his world, we do not know how it is happening elsewhere and most of the time we do not ask. Rightly we think the way we do, live, is the only one that exists. Normal we only know it. Yet there are many other ways.

Learning to do with what we have

The first thing I learned while traveling is that the material aspect is by no happiness factor. All over the world people are worse off than us. On the contrary elsewhere. I was doing the thinking with a friend Burkina Faso, Africa people are always smiling.

Hard to believe for many that the material aspect is in no way a factor in our happiness. Yet from the time when the human being is beyond the survival threshold, happiness is not a matter of external factors. Hungarian psychologist Mihaly has long studied this and will speak better than me. Moreover it is not the material conditions that shock me in one country but injustice and violence.
When I travel is often to make hiking or other sports but always with my legs. I will not tell you about my vacation but why these holidays.

Traveling I soon realized I had to go with the minimum in my backpack. When you walk more than 10 hours a day, a light backpack is immeasurable comfort. This also will go faster, run and especially to preserve my shoulders.
But beyond the comfort, starting with the bare minimum possible to learn to make do with what we have. It takes a step back to material things. We understand that one can live very well with very little and focuses on other priorities of life that seem much more essential.
Learning to do with what one has and never again, helps develop a sense of "hack". Learn to fish with a tent tensioner and a safety pin or make glue with rice or sap of a tree is very educational for the mind.
In the life of every day and work it helps to look at things from another angle. We learn to look at objects other than by a single major function. So with a little imagination you can always divert the main function of an object for another use.

Learn humility

To natural elements we quickly realize that we are nothing and especially that life does not take to much. It is in the difficult situations that we realize that many things in life are just subtleties and that in modern society we lose much time with these secondary things.

To natural elements we understand that all hardware intricacies of our societies are nothing. In the mountains you can trust with your Ipod, but everyone cares. With or without Ipod, if you are a little too sure of yourself, you will end up in a hole. In these settings no one has the right to be wrong then we must quickly learn that we are not invincible if we want to stay alive.

the decline

Face to people in need we wonder who we are to afford to be proud of who you are complaining about. In systems where the values have nothing to do with your social status, your Mercedes and your little problems, you are not worth much, you are a stranger like the others.

If we made the effort to get out of his world and reach out to others, the journey used to take a lot of recoil. To see that people have other priorities than whether it will buy the Ipad 32GB or 64GB.

When I speak of traveling, I obviously excluded the Club Med travel to the Caribbean where you are locked in the hotel to the beach for grilled sardines.

The challenge and self-control

For those who do not know I am a runner. And traveling I run too. More than run I launch challenges. These challenges are physical but mostly psychological (isolation, fatigue, difficult weather conditions).

Mike Horn, a great adventurer, impressed me for its physical performance but mainly psychological.

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