
lundi 9 février 2015


Direction Ireland, leading destination for green and wild tourism. Certainly the weather and climate are not the same as Spain, but the scenic beauty is breathtaking!

Largely dominated by grassland, the island still offers a wide variety of landscapes. The east coast to the sandy beaches contrast to the West Coast to the relief cut as the Cliffs of Moher. The Ring of Kerry on the edge of the ocean is an explosion of blue and green while the Connemara landscape are declined brown bog dark color lakes Guinness
Of course, the so-called "green Erin" there are charming towns and animated as his capital Dublin, Cork or Galway. Small country with people of great hospitality, it is in its pubs you enjoy the jovial temperament of the Irish.

You will discover on this island inhabited since prehistoric times many vestiges of the past: castles, churches and monasteries ... You can also see magnificent Celtic art in museums.

But Ireland, which displays impressive economic growth in recent years is certainly looking to the future. Its young population and technological industries promise to be great assets for the years to come.

Ireland is finally a land of wonder. Because a traffic jam in the open field due to wayward sheep, an infant at the pub grabbed his Guinness or a priest who tells you between two pints Saint Patrick, it only happens here!

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