
dimanche 8 février 2015


Guatemala is certainly a destination that has become, thanks to low cost companies offering long-haul flights as Condor, scope of budgets of all sizes.

You can get on a plane to Paris, and ten hours later, landed in the middle of the territory of the Maya.

The people of this country are less mixed than those of neighboring countries and one can easily appreciate their Native American ascendancy. Just one can get away from the city center to enjoy their friendliness and beauty of their colorful clothes.

But it is not necessary to move away from the city to discover Mayan ruins. The country's capital, Guatemala City, was built around the ruins of the ancient city of Maya Kaminaljuyú. These ruins are preserved and ceremonial center of more than 2,000 years of antiquity is part of a park in the city center.

Its high altitude gives Guatemala City a very temperate climate, despite being in full tropical zone. That is why it is called the land of eternal spring. It also contains a historical center with colonial churches and other picturesque monuments, multiple parks that give it an incredible freshness and museums, restaurants, bars and all that can be expected in a modern capital.

But it is out of the city we appreciate the beauty of this country as a whole. Volcanoes still active, unexplored jungles, its remote villages and lakes and beaches give Guatemala a natural resource to none.

One of its most popular attractions is Lake Atitlan. It is an experience not to be missed as making a boat ride on its crystal clear waters, admiring the conical shapes of volcanoes that surround it and stop in a village on the edge of the water to eat fish fresh from the lake.

In the north there is the National Park of Tikal. In this park we find the beautiful Mayan temples of Tikal. This area was the first in the world to be declared Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO joint of its ecological and architectural treasures.

Finally, to move from one place to another, do not hesitate to take what are called chicken bus; these old school buses in the United States or Canada are filled with Guatemalan families who speak from one end to the other by shouting. An unforgettable experience.

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