
vendredi 6 février 2015

Religious tourism,Business tourism,Sustainable tourism,Economic tourist discovery.

Religious tourism

Pilgrimages are one of the oldest forms of tourist migration. There are over 1,500 places of pilgrimage in France. The city's most famous Lourdes sanctuary is home to more than 5 million visitors a year and is the first hotel city after Paris.

   Business tourism

Tourism business includes four activities: conferences and corporate conventions, fairs and trade shows, incentive travel or "incentives" and business seminars and individual business travel.
In 2003, 180 events were held in France. They collected more than 7 million visitors including more than 80,000 international visitors. This sector has an annual turnover of EUR 1.9 billion and employs 10,800 employees.
Moreover, France ranks first in terms of conference facilities in Europe and number of organized congresses. Paris is the first destination for international congresses with 350 conferences per year. France currently has 90 convention centers, 6 times more than in 1975. 2000 also counts facilities can accommodate events of at least 200 people. These are the Ile-de-France, Rhône-Alpes and PACA are best equipped. Business tourism spanning all year, it allows hoteliers to bring their extra income during the periods hollow (= low season).

   Sustainable tourism

Since 2000, we are more aware of the negative effects of mass tourism. In this context, sustainable tourism is the form of development, the development, tourism that respects the environment, preserves natural and cultural resources in the long term. It is socially and economically sustainable and equitable.

   Economic tourist discovery

The industrial tourism can be defined as the discovery by the public in a site with expertise in the past, the present or in the future. Three poles can be highlighted: tourism business activity, tourism, industrial heritage and scientific tourism.
The companies in business tourism is defined as visiting sites in operation, whether industrial, administrative, commercial, agricultural, handicraft or service. The opening of the company's visit may reflect different motivations: to enhance its expertise with the general public, customers, prospects and future employees, motivate staff and strengthen corporate culture. Initiated in 2003 by the Assembly of French Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ACFCI), the National Days Open House Enterprises (JNPO) are a unique opportunity to go behind the scenes of the companies. Punctuated by visits, animations and unusual discoveries, JNPO target all with true journey into the technological prowess and living traditions.
Industrial heritage tourism meets all sites valuing production techniques and know-how belonging to national or local industrial history museums, eco-museums, industrial sites (now or not site museums) spaces for a specific business activity,
Scientific tourism includes sites whose purpose is the dissemination of scientific culture among the public: science museums, scientific heritage sites, science cities, centers for scientific culture, science centers.

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