
lundi 9 février 2015

Group Tours

The group trip or organized, is a concept that is the subject of a host of prejudices, or at least, a negative perception by many travelers. This view is it justified? My introduction to the thing on a recent trip to Turkey with the agency Traditours allowed me to think about it every day, in the concrete.

In general, we consider that the tour allows a novice customer, less reckless, often older, traveling in better conditions, with more security and supervision without having to worry about all the logistical details.

Many people who consider themselves adventurers sailing off the beaten path will judge with contempt. Yet these groups are full of seasoned globetrotters who knocked over the world focusing formula.

For a long time, we saw developing a range of tours models that differ greatly like "12 countries in 12 days with 50 people" that prevails in the minds of many. Groups reduced in number. Exotic and unusual destinations. Thematic trips focused on the photo, ornithology, history, architecture, gastronomy and many other subjects? Activity holidays in hiking, biking, sea kayaking ... In sailing, barge, junk, raft, by boat! Name them!

Pros and cons:

All travel packages include their advantages and disadvantages. In the case of the tour group, the negative point which emerges first is always the lack of freedom of movement and personal initiative imposed by a predetermined program, more or less rigid.

For others, the stress of traveling with a group of strangers is still a major annoyance. Besides this, the group trip necessarily mean less opportunity for intimacy and waiting times when going, consolidations, pee breaks and the rest ...

As for benefits, they are certainly just as numerous and heavy in the balance. In terms of logistics, first of all, it's an incredible workload, search and relieve stress that we the agencies. Air transport. Hotel reservations, train, bus or car, forget that! Not having to drive abroad, especially in a country where we do not know the language.

I know how much improvised adventure can sometimes stunning discoveries, but it still imposes many stress, logistical and financial contingencies, the route changes and a lot of wasted time on the ground.

In nearly 40 years of travel, I recently lived with my wife my first travel experience organized group with Traditours agency. Destination: Turkey!

On the spot:

Honestly, I was among those who planned without much enthusiasm the possibility of a tour group. For over a year, we planchions on this trip to Turkey, some hotel reservations are already made and the path is known. This does not prevent us from delving into the proposals of travel agencies, if only to inspire us.

This is where we discovered the Traditours program which largely corresponded to the route we set and length of trip we had planned, about three weeks

The fact that Traditours offers two domestic flights (Istanbul - Ankara, where begins the stay and Izmir - Istanbul, conclusion), avoiding long car trips, we were initially impressed. Soon after, we were able to talk with a few pairs of friends, very demanding travelers arriving from travels in Peru and elsewhere with Traditours and were unanimously enthusiastic about their experience.
So we began to consider the option of living a first trip to the conditions proposed by Traditours.

Other considerations were added. First, the average size of the group (23 people), which allows to enjoy more space when traveling by bus and fewer overall complications. All standard travel costs are included in the initial cost (meals, hotels, entries on sightseeing, local guides, cruises and activities such as the Turkish massage Istanbul). Tips are previously planned. Rest alcoholic drinks and one activity to the program, a ballooning in Cappadocia, which remains optional (US $ 220).

The package includes the services of a companion of the company ensures that all goes well and a local guide who remains with the group throughout the stay. As for hotels and restaurants selected by Traditours, they have all been of high quality.

We almost always ate divinely even Homestays, and often in restaurants too luxurious to think that we would then go on our own.

Three days by boat on the Mediterranean, a day of exploring by jeep, hot air ballooning, Turkish massage in Istanbul, all of which have asked us good coordination and are delivered here without effort.

The human factor:

The only thing that is completely unpredictable on a journey like this is the human factor. That's what worried us most. But it was enough that just three days before the magic settles in the group. After two days to observe, all participants dropped masks and demonstrated a great sense of humor, a lot of curiosity and generosity and great solidarity.

Each couple and each individual traveler had a radically different profile, but all had a long experience of travel and fed many projects in the future. Some had multiple trips with up to five Traditours.

We were shocked to see how the relationship between almost all of the participants has become almost symbiotic as and as confidence and camaraderie settled. By chance we may have dropped on an exceptional group, but the regulars tell us it is often the case.

And those who, for whatever reason, want to stay away from the group can do so with mutual respect, provided they do not interfere with the running of the trip, which was very well managed. Same for those who have a penchant for photography or for shopping, for example, and were able to have fun without disturbing the majority.

Finally, we believe that if we had made the same trip independently, it would have cost us more than what we paid a little less than $ 5,000 per person in total. Tour ...? Will definitely return.

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