
lundi 9 février 2015

Tourism in canada

With a territory of more than 9 million square kilometers, you will not visit Canada in one trip! Its spaciousness and thick forests motivate those who aspire for calm and healing. We already dreaming of snowmobile tours and nights in a cozy log cabin. It almost feels the cold tingle our cheeks! Canadian parks open all year vacation lovers, so the more cautious may prefer to go there in October to discover the charms of the Indian summer. To all this is added the legendary friendliness of the people.

Indians, trappers, gold miners and early settlers are bent at the harsh law of this immense territory. Faced with a harsh climate, residents are concentrated in large cities. Eastern Canada and has a string of welcoming and lively cities, Toronto head. Ottawa distills a more intimate atmosphere, worthy of its status as a capital. In museums, one learns with interest in Native American art. Quebec, the most European of cities in Canada, is the only city in North America to have preserved its fortifications. Montreal is itself a great melting pot of cultures. She is also known for its festivals known around the world.

The languorous Vancouver to Calgary rustic, western Canada also has its share of discoveries. Alberta, crossed by the chain of the Rocky Mountains, offers a wide variety of landscapes. Snow-capped peaks, tranquil lakes and roaring rivers, canyons and vast meadows are some of the scenery you will have the opportunity tu. The practice of sports is at hand.

Winnipeg, a city of about 600,000 inhabitants, is the center of the country, halfway between Newfoundland and Vancouver Island. She played an important role in the building of Canada. In Calgary, the capital of oil and Rodeo, the world of cowboys is never far away. You will even be hosted and participate in the life of a ranch!

In the extreme western Canada, Vancouver Island seduced by its climate. Victoria, the largest city on the island, has an English character, which would almost doubt that is in Canada. Vancouver is a jewel in the rough, crimped by the Pacific Ocean. Its sweetness of life and economic dynamism make it a paradise for many. It is often compared to San Francisco.
Do not overlook the charming towns like Jasper, La Malbaie, Whistler or Edmonton.

Canada will not leave you on your discovery of hunger! From East to West, whatever your route or your destination, you will encounter. It is no coincidence that 20 million tourists come to Canada every year ...

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