
dimanche 8 février 2015

5 tips to travel differently

Be open to dating

Often when traveling, we are in a well-defined framework. Whether one of our hotel, our resort or simply that of the circle of our travel group of our friends. It is not necessarily out of this natural setting. However, a journey, a country can not be reduced to a geographical location. A country, a city, it is also a population, culture, people with whom you can interact. Without pushing the concept and go to sleep at the inhabitant, just try to talk to the locals. This old gentleman sitting next to you in that coffee may have a great story to tell about his city he knows so well. Be open to meeting people.

Do not compare to his country

The best way to ruin the trip is to systematically compare everything to his own country. The food will be different, temperature, transport, prices ... it is never better or worse, it's just different. You have to accept those differences without comparing them, you will journey will be even more enjoyable.

Admire before photographing

A reflex that has developed among some travelers in recent years is excessive photographing everything they see, systematically. In front of them can be the most beautiful wonders of Mother Nature, they do not bother to watch this show before having immortalized in digital. And even when a rare bird lands on a branch a few inches above their head and may start from one second to another, they prefer to capture blur on their smartphone screen rather than simply enjoy its beauty. Try to look before photographing.

Do not be rigid

Openness is like the body's flexibility, it's working! This opening passes by many parameters, but it is generally a philosophy to develop. Does not necessarily follow to the letter all the advice of your travel guide. Use it as a base, but also ask the opinion of the inhabitants of the city. Between when printed guide and your visit he spent several months or even years and the restaurant very fashionable described in the guide may be become very bad between. By asking a resident, you may indicate a new really good property just opened and is not even in your invaluable guide!

Use all your senses

A trip is primarily a sensory experience. When you walk the streets of a city when you walk through the aisles of a market, try to open wide the eyes, to feel all the smells, good and less good, remove the headphones from your mp3 player to listen to the sounds around you. Markets do not hesitate to taste the food they offer you, buy some samples, you may be surprised what you will feel like new flavors. Touch the stone walls of this alley, this bronze statue. Let your five senses. That's also traveling!

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