
lundi 9 février 2015

Tourism in CHINA


The decision to travel notes to yourself. It is also You are solely responsible for ensuring your personal safety abroad. These Travel Report is intended to provide you with updated information so you can make informed decisions.

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

Sporadic clashes occur in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. There were reports of attacks using explosive devices, firearms and knives, which resulted in deaths and injuries in many cases. It is expected that the civil unrest and sporadic violence continues. The presence of armed police is visible and local authorities continue to monitor the situation closely. Curfews and other restrictions may be imposed on short notice. The attacks do not specifically target tourists or foreigners, but the danger of being in the wrong place at the wrong time is always present. Avoid crowds and demonstrations and follow the advice of local authorities.


Petty crime such as pickpocketing, bag snatching, theft, theft of cell phones and laptops, are common, even in daylight. Foreigners are targeted, especially in large cities and tourist areas. Be vigilant in all crowded place, including tourist sites, trade shows, restaurants, coffee shops, Internet cafes, markets and department stores. Never have about you large sums of money. Put valuables, with the exception of your passport in a hotel safe. Violent crime is rare, but foreigners have been attacked and robbed.

Minor crimes are reported and sexual harassment on buses and overnight trains. If traveling by train, make sure your compartment contains only your luggage and those of other occupants. Store personal belongings in a safe place and do not leave the compartment unattended. Well lock the doors.

Cases of extortion by taxi drivers, motorcycle and pedicab rose. Foreign nationals have also been approached by strangers and invited to have a drink (usually tea or alcohol) in a nearby hotel. They were then presented with a bill shocks (sometimes amounting to hundreds of dollars), they were forced to pay under threat. In some cases, the person was injured. Be cautious with regard to unsolicited requests from strangers who want to "practice English" or ask you to accompany them in a "gallery" or an unknown location and scams by phone the person calling claims that you are the subject of an investigation by local authorities. Visit our Fraud abroad for details about scams committed abroad.

Since the beginning of 2014, explosions and knife attacks resulting in deaths and injuries in public places, including busiest railway stations.

Attacks by armed bandits pose a risk in remote areas. The police are not very present in the border areas with Burma, Laos, Pakistan, Russia and Vietnam.


Demonstrations are illegal and it is recommended to avoid them. Participants can be severe legal action.

transport network

Bad habits and poor condition of roads outside the large cities make travel dangerous. Avoid traveling outside of major cities after dark.

China has an extensive rail network. Most trains are slow, except for express trains on the busiest lines. Taxis are plentiful in major cities. It is found in front of hotels and taxi stations. Like most drivers do not speak English or French, ask someone who speaks Chinese to enter your destination in detail on a small card that you present to the driver. We can rent a car in the big cities, usually with driver.

Ferry accidents occurred in China, as the boats were overloaded. Use caution and common sense when using maritime transport. Do not climb aboard an overloaded ferry.

Transport security check to verify if national airlines meet safety standards.


There are reports of attacks by pirates in coastal waters and sometimes farther offshore. Mariners should take the necessary precautions. For more information, see the Live Piracy Report website (in English) of the International Maritime Bureau

Mountain hiking

If you plan to make a mountain hike:

a) never go;
b) always hire an experienced guide working for a reputable company;
c) subscribe to a travel insurance that covers helicopter rescue services and evacuation in case of emergency;
d) make sure to be in excellent physical shape;
e) entrust a copy of your itinerary to a family member or friend;
f) be aware of the symptoms of acute mountain sickness (which can be fatal);
g) register with a Canadian government office in China;
h) get specific information about the trails before leaving.

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