
lundi 9 février 2015

Tourism in india

One of the world giants in terms of population, over one billion people, the Indian territory consists alone a subcontinent ... Suffice to say that the country is vast and varied landscape level to explore.

North flows the Ganges River in the center of Hindu spirituality, the valley is one of the most populated regions of the world: Calcutta, New Delhi ... Rajasthan, semi-desert region, especially attractive for its many palaces of maharajas, not to mention the world famous Taj Mahal in Agra. In the south, India is actually more green in Kerala image and its forests. A city to visit on each coast east Madras, Bombay in the west, not to mention the beaches of Goa and excesses.

Increasingly in vogue, a trip to India is not an easy task, and can sometimes be challenging for the western traveler accustomed to a certain level of comfort crowded metropolises, hard poverty, harsh climate, warm and wet: it is important to choose a time to travel. For this, preferably avoid the monsoon season, when heavy rains fall on the country. A trip to India can not be improvised!

A trip to India

Whether you choose to go to North India or South India, on the east coast or the west coast, the climate and the right season to vary from: do not forget that we have to do in a country -continent!

For an exciting journey, in which we are immersed in a cultural bath totally different two weeks seem minimal to go: time for a good tour in the area chosen for the trip, Rajasthan, Kerala Tamil Nadu, etc ...

Traveling in India can just as well be the backpacker way by spending next to nothing, as the most comfortable way, which of course costs more expensive.

Many therefore manage to mix their modes of travel (transportation, restaurants, routes ...), to take advantage of various facets of India. This applies particularly to accommodation: it is possible to have fun with a night in a luxury hotel in a palace for an unforgettable experience, or tighten up its budget in hotels (really) Cheap very basic comfort. Otherwise, the guesthouses are a good alternative as well.

To simplify the task, many tourists choose to leave India through a tour operator: The stay included the flight, accommodation, a tour with visits ... In short, it is convenient, but these formulas do not suit those who prefer to leave room for improvisation.

The four corners of India

India attracts many travelers came for adventure, experience the mysticism of many Indian religions, enjoy the luxury of past Maharajas or the natural beauty of the country. You choose how you want to discover India, you will find many holidays and tours in India at the seaside in Kerala or Tamil Nadu, in the footsteps of Maharajas in Rajasthan, in the foothills of Himalayas or jungle cities like Delhi or Bombay ....

o Rajasthan is one of the most visited regions, discover the magnificence of the palaces and cities of Maharajas. From Delhi you can go through Jaipur, Pushkar, Jodhpur, Udaipur juqu'à the beautiful fortress of Jaisalmer in the desert. To leave a little off the beaten track in Rajasthan, go Bundi and Bikaner.

o Kerala also attracts many visitors. You can reach from Mumbai via Goa and Karnataka or from Madras through the Tamil Nadu. Discover the landscapes of Kerala and enjoy the sea through Mangalore, Mysore, Cochin, Trivandrum ....

o Less touristy but equally beautiful, discover Tamil Nadu. You can enjoy the ocean and visit many sacred cities with impressive temples.

o From Madras, go through Mahabalipuram, Pondicherry, Chibandaram, Thanjavur, Madurai, before finishing on the sacred island of Rameswaram.

o From Calcutta, reassemble the Ganges Valley and discover the impressive and stifling atmosphere of Varansi (Benares), you can go back to the holy city of Haridwar (this is where the Ganges leaves the Himalayas).

o From Delhi, you can also go in the northwest discover the Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and why not go back to the Ladakh. Also from Delhi, Chandigarh visit (many official buildings and part of the city were built by modern architect Le Corbusier), Shimla, Dharamsala, Manali, Leh ....

o outside the box, you can go in the less visited India as Gujarat, Orissa and Assam ...

Best time to go in India

In India, it only rains during the monsoon. There are two monsoons, the southwest and the northern one. The southwest monsoon is the most important, it lasts from June to September. The northeast monsoon hits the east coast between October and February. The North has some extreme conditions, hot weather in summer and cold in winter, but except in the Himalayan regions, snow is almost unknown.

Main events:

Festival of Lohri or Makar Sankranti, celebrated with fireworks and dancing shows. It takes place on 13 January.

Vasanta Panchami: This festival is held in the spring during which we celebrate the Goddess of Knowledge. If you are in the North, you will attend a festival of kites. This festival takes place during the months of February and March.

Mahashivaratri day dedicated to Shiva with parades and folk songs. Religious holidays have not yet fixed the date it was also held in the spring.

Republic Day: January 26, it represents the Indian holiday the most important. The procession of the presidential guard is impressive and the festivities that accompany it are fabulous with ceremonial chariots and elephant shows the program.

Kitchen and culinary specialties:

It is no secret that the dishes of India are mainly based on spices, so prepare your palate for a taste of show. A specialty of the country is that cooking dhal in different ways in different regions. This is a basic yellow lentils dish that can be an accompaniment for meat. If you are a foodie, while tasting, you decelerate the taste of ginger, turmeric and cumin and others.

Tourism is Thailand

Thailand with its coral reefs, turquoise water at 30 ° C and incredible softness of living inspires tranquility and softness to travelers looking for unique landscapes. Despite the disaster that has affected 26 December 2004, is still a real paradise.

The Kingdom of Siam, the former name of Thailand is a tourist destination, ideal for a first trip to Asia. It almost as large as France is bordered by Myanmar (Burma) and Laos to the north, Cambodia to the east and Malaysia to the south. His landscapes are varied between mountains, seas, beaches lined with coconut trees ... All types of travelers should be able to find their happiness. Its tropical climate allows the country to have an annual temperature of 28 ° C! What more?

For further stay, have at least three weeks, lush jungle and nature reserves, Buddhist temples, trekking around Chiang Mai, gourmet exploration or visit the incredible Bangkok.

To integrate your stay: the historical remains of the ancient cities buried as Ayuthaya and Sukhothai. Cities like Khon Kaen, Ban Bang Ta Yong Hua Hin, Amphoe Pai, Koh Samet, Patong, or Cha-Am also deserve your intégriez them to stay if you have enough time.

And finally, of course (you are also there for that) luxuriate on the most beautiful beaches in the world like in Laem Sala or in the park Ao Phra Nang.

It is the journey as we dream couple or with friends, a flight booked well in advance, a good guide and a small budget for spending. Very cheap destination, you will be touched by the hospitality of the local people, the very cheerful nature and imperturbable calm.

Mass tourism

Tourism is the world's largest industry with more than 800 million international travelers per year but the consequences of uncontrolled mass tourism can be devastating, both for the environment and for the local population.

The expansion of tourism is accompanied by severe attacks on the cultural, social and even economic. With positive effects on employment, production and revenue objected strongly negative effects confiscation of land and displacement, inflation, environmental destruction, questioning of traditional ethics of the people.

Environmentally; waste are mass produced, lots of energy and water, scarce in hot countries, are particularly wasted in the major resorts, at the expense of local populations (running water, irrigation, etc.). On average in the tropics, 27 liters of water are consumed per day per capita against 100 liters per day per tourist (2005 data).

On the economic front, the large sums generated by tourism, very little benefit to local populations when they find jobs in large hotel complexes play a minor role and are under paid.

The concentration of infrastructure also plays a significant role in the rural exodus, attracting the "city" of peasants in search of "Eldorados."

These harmful effects on culture, environment and economy of the regions visited us today require thinking tourism, able to combine the freedom of travel with respect for people and the environment.

Many operators offer this kind of trip. Some into a pure marketing operation, other, precursors, often from the world of international solidarity are trying to regroup in federations such Altervoyages in Belgium, in France but also ATES FBO-TRS in Benin and others in Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala ...

Responsible tourism wants to put forward a country, a culture, men and women for whom income from tourism can be a real alternative source means to exist.

A history of tourism

Les hommes ont toujours voyagé. Migrations de peuplement, conquêtes militaires, échanges commerciaux, pèlerinages religieux mettent en mouvement des hommes et, dans une moindre mesure, des femmes, depuis des temps immémoriaux. Mais les curiosités et l'éventuel plaisir de la pérégrination ne sont alors que des à-côtés du voyage, et non sa raison d'être.
Le tourisme - c'est-à-dire le voyage d'agrément - est apparu à la fin du XVIIe siècle en Angleterre. Les aristocrates anglais ont inventé la plupart des pratiques touristiques actuelles: aussi bien le tourisme culturel que le tourisme thermal; et ce sont eux qui ont "découvert" que la mer et la montagne, des milieux jugés auparavant hostiles à l'homme, lui offraient d'extraordinaires bains de jouvence et terrains de sport.
Quatre siècles plus tard, le tourisme est devenu un loisir de masse. Il provoque les plus importantes migrations que l'humanité ait jamais connues. 898 millions de personnes ont voyagé hors de leur pays en 2007 à des fins touristiques, selon l'Organisation mondiale du tourisme. Et l'arrivée des touristes chinois et des pays émergents devrait encore grossir ces flux dans les prochaines années. Illustration de la mondialisation des moeurs et des échanges. En France, le secteur du tourisme engendre 6,5% du produit intérieur brut (PIB) national. Tout le monde ne part pas pour autant. En France, le taux de départ stagne depuis vingt ans.
Mais au-delà de l'effet de nombre, les motivations de l'homo touristicus contemporain ne diffèrent guère de celles de ses prédécesseurs. Voyages d'initiation ou de découverte, recherche du bien-être, de ressourcement, d'aventure ou de dépaysement: nous suivons le plus souvent des voies bien balisées. En témoigne l'existence des guides touristiques, indispensables compagnons de route du voyageur.
La critique des touristes, ces "pèlerins modernes qu'aucune foi n'anime", selon l'expression du sociologue Jean-Didier Urbain, est d'ailleurs aussi ancienne que le tourisme lui-même. Il lui est reproché, pêle-mêle, sa superficialité, son caractère grégaire, son indifférence aux sites visités, sa négation de l'art du voyage. S'y ajoute aujourd'hui une critique environnementale (destruction de sites naturels, émissions de gaz à effet de serre liées au transport) et politique (marchandisation des sites et des paysages, pratiques néocoloniales vis-à-vis des populations locales). En réaction à ces excès se développent des formes de tourisme alternatives, moins consommatrices et davantage respectueuses des populations et de l'environnement (écotourisme, tourisme social ou solidaire).
Comme tout phénomène social, le tourisme a ses codes. Les destinations se déclinent selon les classes de la société et les saisons, dessinant une géographie sociale sans cesse réinventée. Les destinations touristiques, élues par des précurseurs en quête de distinction sociale, se diffusent ensuite dans la société par imitation et démocratisation, poussant les élites du moment à inventer sans cesse de nouvelles pratiques pour demeurer à l'écart des foules. Dernière illustration du phénomène: pour 200 000 dollars par tête, il est possible depuis cette année de s'offrir un voyage dans l'espace…

Group Tours

The group trip or organized, is a concept that is the subject of a host of prejudices, or at least, a negative perception by many travelers. This view is it justified? My introduction to the thing on a recent trip to Turkey with the agency Traditours allowed me to think about it every day, in the concrete.

In general, we consider that the tour allows a novice customer, less reckless, often older, traveling in better conditions, with more security and supervision without having to worry about all the logistical details.

Many people who consider themselves adventurers sailing off the beaten path will judge with contempt. Yet these groups are full of seasoned globetrotters who knocked over the world focusing formula.

For a long time, we saw developing a range of tours models that differ greatly like "12 countries in 12 days with 50 people" that prevails in the minds of many. Groups reduced in number. Exotic and unusual destinations. Thematic trips focused on the photo, ornithology, history, architecture, gastronomy and many other subjects? Activity holidays in hiking, biking, sea kayaking ... In sailing, barge, junk, raft, by boat! Name them!

Pros and cons:

All travel packages include their advantages and disadvantages. In the case of the tour group, the negative point which emerges first is always the lack of freedom of movement and personal initiative imposed by a predetermined program, more or less rigid.

For others, the stress of traveling with a group of strangers is still a major annoyance. Besides this, the group trip necessarily mean less opportunity for intimacy and waiting times when going, consolidations, pee breaks and the rest ...

As for benefits, they are certainly just as numerous and heavy in the balance. In terms of logistics, first of all, it's an incredible workload, search and relieve stress that we the agencies. Air transport. Hotel reservations, train, bus or car, forget that! Not having to drive abroad, especially in a country where we do not know the language.

I know how much improvised adventure can sometimes stunning discoveries, but it still imposes many stress, logistical and financial contingencies, the route changes and a lot of wasted time on the ground.

In nearly 40 years of travel, I recently lived with my wife my first travel experience organized group with Traditours agency. Destination: Turkey!

On the spot:

Honestly, I was among those who planned without much enthusiasm the possibility of a tour group. For over a year, we planchions on this trip to Turkey, some hotel reservations are already made and the path is known. This does not prevent us from delving into the proposals of travel agencies, if only to inspire us.

This is where we discovered the Traditours program which largely corresponded to the route we set and length of trip we had planned, about three weeks

The fact that Traditours offers two domestic flights (Istanbul - Ankara, where begins the stay and Izmir - Istanbul, conclusion), avoiding long car trips, we were initially impressed. Soon after, we were able to talk with a few pairs of friends, very demanding travelers arriving from travels in Peru and elsewhere with Traditours and were unanimously enthusiastic about their experience.
So we began to consider the option of living a first trip to the conditions proposed by Traditours.

Other considerations were added. First, the average size of the group (23 people), which allows to enjoy more space when traveling by bus and fewer overall complications. All standard travel costs are included in the initial cost (meals, hotels, entries on sightseeing, local guides, cruises and activities such as the Turkish massage Istanbul). Tips are previously planned. Rest alcoholic drinks and one activity to the program, a ballooning in Cappadocia, which remains optional (US $ 220).

The package includes the services of a companion of the company ensures that all goes well and a local guide who remains with the group throughout the stay. As for hotels and restaurants selected by Traditours, they have all been of high quality.

We almost always ate divinely even Homestays, and often in restaurants too luxurious to think that we would then go on our own.

Three days by boat on the Mediterranean, a day of exploring by jeep, hot air ballooning, Turkish massage in Istanbul, all of which have asked us good coordination and are delivered here without effort.

The human factor:

The only thing that is completely unpredictable on a journey like this is the human factor. That's what worried us most. But it was enough that just three days before the magic settles in the group. After two days to observe, all participants dropped masks and demonstrated a great sense of humor, a lot of curiosity and generosity and great solidarity.

Each couple and each individual traveler had a radically different profile, but all had a long experience of travel and fed many projects in the future. Some had multiple trips with up to five Traditours.

We were shocked to see how the relationship between almost all of the participants has become almost symbiotic as and as confidence and camaraderie settled. By chance we may have dropped on an exceptional group, but the regulars tell us it is often the case.

And those who, for whatever reason, want to stay away from the group can do so with mutual respect, provided they do not interfere with the running of the trip, which was very well managed. Same for those who have a penchant for photography or for shopping, for example, and were able to have fun without disturbing the majority.

Finally, we believe that if we had made the same trip independently, it would have cost us more than what we paid a little less than $ 5,000 per person in total. Tour ...? Will definitely return.

A trip to mexico

Fruit d'un métissage culturel millénaire, de la civilisation Maya aux colons espagnols, Le Mexique offre des expériences surprenantes : sites archéologiques gigantesques dans le mythique Yucatan, longues plages de sable fin à Acapulco, parcs nationaux immenses et villes coloniales pleines de charme. 

A Mexico, on écoute avec plaisir les célèbres airs des Mariachis, on déguste de délicieux tortillas ou de copieux Burritos. Au gré des villages pittoresques au Chiapas, on revisite l'ancestrale culture amérindienne. Et la nature, exubérante, n'est pas en reste : comme en témoigne la magnifique côte de la Basse Californie, où l'on peut admirer les baleines à bosses. 

Est-ce le mysticisme dont sont emprunts les vestiges olmèques, mayas et aztèques ? Est-ce l'altitude et la tequila qui font tourner les têtes ? Est-ce ce culte de la mort qui fascine les gringos que nous sommes ? Ou cette nature à la fois paradisiaque et ultra-violente ? 
C'est sans doute pour toutes ces raisons qu'un voyage au Mexique reste une expérience étrange, un baptême fascinant qui marquera à vie le voyageur curieux.

Tourism in Belgium

Genuine, warm, cultural, gourmet, happy ... So many words to describe the extraordinary Belgium! So close to France and yet ... What a change of atmosphere! Just installed the Thalys, you will feel more relaxed already. Visit Belgium, is a bit like coming home. Although it is the first few minutes.

The country as a whole has managed to preserve its architectural wealth, inherited from the Middle Ages, or more recent periods. Bruges, medieval, and Brussels, City of Art Nouveau, are the main witnesses. The "flat country", sung by Jacques Brel, has also retained a strong sense of tradition. Folk festivals, the Ghent including religious and punctuate the lives of all Belgians throughout the year.

Country of origin many artists and by the same major European artistic movements, Belgium has great number of museums and monuments full of this artistic fiber. Who has not dreamed of visiting a country revealing in itself, works of primitive art, major Renaissance paintings, new or Art Deco Art treasures as well as Comics pearls?

So you'll soon discover, Belgium is not limited to Manneken Pis and the Grand Place. This is indeed a multifaceted country. Its territory of 30,513 km² is divided into three federal regions: the Flemish region, the Walloon Region and the Brussels Capital Region. At the head of the federal government stands Brussels.
Regionalism in the country does not stop there. Four linguistic communities are found in Belgium: the Dutch, the French, the German and finally bilingual. The Belgians also cultivate these identity peculiarities inherent to each region or community.

Similarly, the local cuisine does not stop with fries. Flavors and sweet treats are the daily bread of the Belgians. It is true, moreover, that it is a country of beer. This reputation has nothing pejorative, Belgian specialty beers are among the best in the world.

Finally, to add insult to injury, the Belgians want more welcoming. Belgium to the relief thus has more to its people and its customs to its geography


If the Netherlands are seen as a rather tolerant and liberal country, especially against soft drugs, they are not only the perfect destination for those wishing to indulge in cannabis tourism and evening entertainment!

This kingdom (yes, there is a parliamentary monarchy) in fact conceals many treasures from the cosmopolitan Dutch culture and architectural elements of great qualities.

Museums and monuments, concentrated mainly in Amsterdam and its canals, testify to the turbulent past of the country, sometimes Catholic and Protestant, headquarters of a flamboyant art in the seventeenth century or refuge of German Jews during the Second World War, etc.
This is not to say that other Dutch cities are not worth a visit, the contrary. Rotterdam and all his avant-garde constructions delight fans of contemporary architecture.

Similarly, The Hague city government will lead you straight to the Dutch and international institutions: parliament, International Court of Justice, etc.
In short the Netherlands, it is not just the tulip fields, cheeses and bicycles. Although these clichés are true and make all the beauty of the "Holland".

Tourism in turkey

Turkey climate, its heritage and culture straddling two cultures makes Turkey a rich and exceptional destination for a trip. Turkey is perhaps the country that best illustrates the blend of East and West. Civilizations mosaic, it retains vestiges of its earliest occupants to the Ottomans, not to mention the Greeks and Romans. A small passage in museums reveal the artistic talents of each of these peoples.
On the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts swoon in the sun the ruins of the prestigious cities of antiquity: Ephesus, Pergamum, Termessos ... Istanbul, with its palaces and mosques, is in itself an ode to the Byzantine and Ottoman empires while that Ankara, the capital, is intended as a symbol of modernity.

In addition to a rich historical heritage, Turkey has unique natural sites. The discovery of the rocky Cappadocia and "cotton castle" in Pamukkale are sure to surprise you.

Country surrounded by four seas, it offers idyllic coves with lovers of beautiful white sand and turquoise waters pages. Its climate allows more than generous to come here from May to September. Sports, nautical particular, are naturally found their place.

The charm of Turkey also operates in the plate! Mix of influences again, the Turkish cuisine is varied and offers delicious cuisine. People to the great hospitality, we will offer you a warm welcome. So go ahead and go visit this enchanting country.

Tourism in france

In France, is it customary to say, everything ends in song: in the 50s, while Edith Piaf sang the sky of Paris, Charles Trenet cheerfully celebrated the National 7, the scenic road that led so many French "to the shores of the south."
The City of Light and the Riviera: the myths, which attract millions of visitors each year, made the Douce France the first world tourist destination. Still, it's forget too quickly the diversity that exists on this earth stretched to the Atlantic Ocean but firmly moored to the European continent. "There is, I believe, no country in the world where there are so many contradictions in France," Voltaire liked to say.
Indeed, what to do if the sloping roof of the north with the roof terraces of the south? Can we compare the legendary windy Britain, so close to our Anglo-Saxon friends, colorful Basque Country, which reaches out to Spain?
Visiting France is approaching the story of an ocean, three seas and eight neighboring countries and principalities that have shaped attitudes without ever really threaten the famous "French chauvinism". Whatever your destination, the most delicious culinary luminaries, including wine and cheese await you on trays with regional accents. A good reason to explore the four corners of the hexagon!


Andalusia is probably one of the regions of Spain's most exotic because of its amazing scenery and its incredible cultural riches. Andalusia is located in the extreme south of the Iberian Peninsula. It is only twenty kilometers of Africa! Its area is comparable to that of Portugal, in fact the largest province of Spain. It is also the most populous with about 8 million.
The area is bordered by the Mediterranean to the south and east and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Andalucia has varied landscapes. The vegas (fertile plains) alternate with lunar hills. There are also mountain ranges such as the Sierra Morena and Sierra Nevada.

The mythical Guadalquivir waters the legendary cities of Cordoba and Seville. The third flagship of the "Andalusian triangle" is Granada. Three cities inseparable for who wants to know the rich history of Andalusia ... But it would be unfair to neglect cities such as Cadiz, Ronda or Huelva. Less famous, they have an undeniable charm, and include some unexpected treasures.

History of Andalusia

The history of Andalusia is very old. The first to settle there were the Phoenicians who established counters, as early as 1000 BC From the eleventh to the sixth century BC, the kingdom of Tartessos settled on the banks of Betis, now called the Guadalquivir.

Subsequently, Andalusia was the object of desire. The Carthaginians and Romans fought over during the Punic Wars. Finally, it was conquered Rome. The Empire installed there Italica, a thriving colony. However, Andalusia was then invaded by the Vandals (409-429) and then by the Visigoths.

The determining factor in the history of Andalusia was conquered by the Moors. Ever people had had such an influence on the province. The Moors bequeathed him a true culture and sumptuous monuments, during the five centuries of their rule. Unfortunately, frequent conflicts broke out between successive emirates who wanted to direct the province and the Taifa (small independent kingdoms) of Córdoba, Jaén, Granada and Seville.

This chronic instability did nothing to facilitate the Reconquista of Andalusia by the Catholic Monarchs in the fifteenth century. Therefore, Andalusia flourished. It became the recipient of great expeditions to the New World. The towns of the province were enriched considerably.

1717 marked the death knell of this sumptuous period. That year, Andalusia lost its monopoly of trade to America. The province then undergoes a steady decline which soon made the poorest region of Spain.

It was not until the 1980s that Andalusia reborn from its ashes. In 1992, the World Expo was held in Seville. This suddenly gave international exposure to the pretty Spanish province. Today, Andalusia is once again a prosperous region. His ancestral culture, its mild climate and the liveliness of its traditions make it a tourist destination of the first order.

Tourism in Cuba

Cuba bathed in the Caribbean Sea, Cuba is the largest Caribbean islands. All in length, its shores are dotted with small islands to paradisiacal landscapes (Cayo Coco!). Cuba is a touching and sensual destination where the welcome is very warm. The smile of Cubans and intensity of life on the island contrast with the poverty and daily difficulties. A trip Cuba will remain forever in your memory.

Camaguey, Trinidad, Vinales, Santa Clara and of course Havana ... The visit of these cities still bear the marks of the colonial era and more of the Revolution will leave you feeling of strolling through the most captivating books History. Of course, you will also enjoy the white sand beaches and warm ocean water. Soviet resorts of Varadero, you prefer cayos these little dream islands where tourism is less developed. Athletes will also be addressed. You can go diving, to discover the beauty of the seabed of the Caribbean Sea, or hiking among mountains and forest.

Cigars, music, American cars, beaches, Castro and the embargo, you thought that these clichés? You might be surprised!

Do not miss the old city of Havana and Trinidad, World Heritage Sites by UNESCO, which reflect the colonial history of Cuba.

The old buildings have been renovated sixteenth, city centers are restored gradually, many museums open their doors. Cuba proudly claims to be a country of culture and history.

Biodiversity is valued: orchids, ferns and other native plants. You will not be immune to fall on iguanas and other wild crocodiles.

Natural attractions such as the Valle de Vinales or region of Pinar del Rio will certainly surprise you.

Cuba is also the clash of generations. Among a population that has seen the The evolving, lack and repression and a youth who hopes for a better future.

You do not start to Cuba without a heavy heart. This enchanting island mark the spirits with good local atmosphere and pride of the people that comeback.


Espagne with its exceptional climate Spain dream travelers in search of sun. But Spain, this is not the beaches. This country on the Iberian Peninsula, which give both coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, offers an incredible number of faces depending on the region where you are.

Beaches, mountains, plains, coasts, you have a choice!
Many sports and activities are available: the family or for hard-core athletes, again, everyone will find his account. But still the same warm welcome to all parts of Spain and an acute sense of fun wherever you go.
Spain is really a dream country ... Climate clemency and the omnipresence of the sun make it a "relaxing destination" of choice. But Spain is much more than that!

First, the country has a culture and traditions deeply rooted in the heart of its inhabitants. Here one thinks of bullfighting and flamenco. But the Spanish culture goes far beyond these postcard clichés. Moreover, we should say the Spanish culture ... Indeed, Spain is the four official languages (Castilian, Catalan, Galician and Basque), 17 autonomous communities and regional particularities in shambles. The "celtitude" Galician opposes the Arab heritage of Andalusia, for example.

However, a trait meets all Spaniards: the spirit of the fiesta. Every night is an opportunity for a drink with friends or a turn on the dance floor. Various celebrations, but always exuberant place throughout the year. Warmth compete strongly the summer heat wave! In addition, the long history of Spain and its varied influences have left him a simply outstanding heritage.

Cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Granada are architectural wonders. Iberia is also a land of artists. The many museums you will discover masters like Velázquez, El Greco or, closer to home, Picasso and Miró ... Other less famous cities worth visiting is the case of Lloret del Mar, Moraira, San Jose Salou Torromolinos or Tossa de Mar.

If you prefer the outdoors, know that Spain is a multitude of landscapes, each more surprising than others. Mountains, green fields, barren hills, volcanic plateaus ... there's something for everyone.

Spain also delivers a refined cuisine, which, admit it, does not hurt! Traditional tapas are essential but Spanish cuisine is characterized by a great variety. There also regional differences are ubiquitous.

Spain is the explosive mix of sun, art and fiesta. The 50 million annual tourists show how this country is fascinating ... So what are you waiting for go?

Tourism in Australia

Australia offers a breathtaking landscape disparities between ultramodern megalopolises like Melbourne or Sydney and wild lands where there pioneering spirit.

Gigantic continent that the most beautiful natural treasures of planet rock formations outback red land in the central regions, the road is lined with breathtaking views. Mineral and wild, Australia is not a huge desert region. Vegetation provided Tasmania, huge coastal beaches and the Great Barrier Reef offer sumptuous and refreshing scenery.

Culture lovers will delight in the urban centers shows and festivals enliven the cities of Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide throughout the year. Meet the Aborigines in Queensland, it best captures the nobility of the country and its origins.

For Europeans, the vast continent (14 times France) is above all a dream, the dream of a new world that has taken the American West relay. Nevertheless, the country remains a good twenty hours by plane from France, and it is, among others, why it is better to stay there at least three weeks. Ready for adventure?

Australia was the filming location of "Jaws," the quirky road movie "Priscilla Queen of the Desert" and obviously the set of the film "Australia" with Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman.
practical advice
Rent a car in Australia
Is carried on the left in Australia. Prudence so if you are not used.
In Australia, there are no aboriginal people, but several tribes that differ in their languages, arts and traditions.

A notion organizes the lives of Australian Aborigines: it is that so-called "dream time" which is a founding period of the tribes there are several thousands of years. Contemporary popular culture of the aboriginal tribes follows.

Today, those peoples and cultures are threatened. A direct consequence of the colonization of Australia. Aborigines hold sacred the land they live and can not be moved without risk of losing their culture altogether.

Tourisme in portugal

Portugal a vast and magnificent coastline fringed beaches and cliffs, a hinterland constantly caressed by the sun: Welcome to Portugal! Add to this an extraordinary cultural and historical heritage combined with delicious cuisine, and it does not take more to want to discover this tourist destination.

Of course there is fado, represented by the famous Amalia Rodrigues, but Portugal can boast of having given birth to characters like Vasco da Gama great discoverer of the fifteenth century, or Camões epic poet of the sixteenth century who are honored on June 10 of each year (holiday). Similarly for the writer Fernando Pessoa considered the greatest Portuguese writer.

More discreet than its neighbor Spain, Portugal wants anyway alive. If you still hesitate to plan a getaway: go for it!

The dynamism of the country presents some paradoxes. It contrasts with great religious fervor and palpable traditionalism. Nevertheless, the country of Discovery displays a wide variety of landscapes and incredible cultural richness.

If the majority of tourists are attracted to the seaside resorts of the Algarve, situated on the south coast of the country, other regions also have advantages not to be overlooked.

Porto, the home of the eponymous wine at Evor, Moorish, to Sintra, city of palaces and gardens, or by Coimbra, student, Portugal conceals invaluable treasures, sometimes wrongly neglected by tourists.

Similarly, that would be no Lisbon Portugal? The country's capital, although modernized and cosmopolitan, has preserved its authenticity. She also seems to have realized the richness of its architectural treasures as evidenced by the ongoing restorations. In addition, the city has retained its division district by district, which gives it a village feel.

And we must not forget, Portugal includes Madeira and the Azores. Although situated over a thousand kilometers from the mainland and independent from an administrative point of view, these two archipelagos, are indeed part of the country. Their volcanic landscapes and lush vegetation offer a different face Portugal. But here too the Portuguese culture remains firmly rooted in morals.


Bresil has an exceptional climate, but also landscapes: rainforest or Atlantic, heavenly beaches, popular festivals, culture or even sport, sprawling cities lined with endless beaches: Brazil is a world unto itself!
Gathered around major holidays such as the famous Carnival, Brazilians are now 201 million and as many smiles! Despite the poverty that affects a large part of the population. The vastness and luxury of some buildings is often at the level of the poverty side, in the favelas.

Brazil is the image of the area, covering almost half of South America: a land of extremes worthy of superlatives. Its white sandy beaches infinitely in the Amazon forest, the lungs of the world; the extreme poverty of the favelas to the upper classes of large cities in Rio de Janeiro or image Brasilia, Brazil never end to surprise you. Do not overlook the less popular cities such as Porto Alegre, Natal, Fortaleza, Florianopolis, Baia Formosa or even Belo Horizonte.

Tourism in canada

With a territory of more than 9 million square kilometers, you will not visit Canada in one trip! Its spaciousness and thick forests motivate those who aspire for calm and healing. We already dreaming of snowmobile tours and nights in a cozy log cabin. It almost feels the cold tingle our cheeks! Canadian parks open all year vacation lovers, so the more cautious may prefer to go there in October to discover the charms of the Indian summer. To all this is added the legendary friendliness of the people.

Indians, trappers, gold miners and early settlers are bent at the harsh law of this immense territory. Faced with a harsh climate, residents are concentrated in large cities. Eastern Canada and has a string of welcoming and lively cities, Toronto head. Ottawa distills a more intimate atmosphere, worthy of its status as a capital. In museums, one learns with interest in Native American art. Quebec, the most European of cities in Canada, is the only city in North America to have preserved its fortifications. Montreal is itself a great melting pot of cultures. She is also known for its festivals known around the world.

The languorous Vancouver to Calgary rustic, western Canada also has its share of discoveries. Alberta, crossed by the chain of the Rocky Mountains, offers a wide variety of landscapes. Snow-capped peaks, tranquil lakes and roaring rivers, canyons and vast meadows are some of the scenery you will have the opportunity tu. The practice of sports is at hand.

Winnipeg, a city of about 600,000 inhabitants, is the center of the country, halfway between Newfoundland and Vancouver Island. She played an important role in the building of Canada. In Calgary, the capital of oil and Rodeo, the world of cowboys is never far away. You will even be hosted and participate in the life of a ranch!

In the extreme western Canada, Vancouver Island seduced by its climate. Victoria, the largest city on the island, has an English character, which would almost doubt that is in Canada. Vancouver is a jewel in the rough, crimped by the Pacific Ocean. Its sweetness of life and economic dynamism make it a paradise for many. It is often compared to San Francisco.
Do not overlook the charming towns like Jasper, La Malbaie, Whistler or Edmonton.

Canada will not leave you on your discovery of hunger! From East to West, whatever your route or your destination, you will encounter. It is no coincidence that 20 million tourists come to Canada every year ...

When travel agents snub travelers of tomorrow

Physical travel agencies are particularly expert in air ticketing, and have developed listening and counseling skills. Thus I present to students as a teacher, as part of my tourism courses at the Sorbonne. But beyond the theory, what about the practice?

Students of the promotion 2013/14, registered in the 2nd year Magisterium international relations and activities abroad, had never pushed open the doors of an agency. The tower project in the world of Aline, one of them gave us the opportunity to test the theoretical-size professional qualities and websites dedicated to travel. The selected loop, starting with Paris May 15, 2014, and Departure on 15 January 2015 provided 5 steps on specific dates: La Paz, Melbourne, Bangkok, Addis Ababa. As part of a duty home, each student has a classic question of agency face to face, and a site (an online agency, a comparator, an airline alliance site). Boiloris, Thomas Cook, Selectour Afat were part of the test stand. * Go Voyages, eDreams Easyvols too. In addition, we have consulted, still in mystery client, Darjeelin airline ticketing site.

The most competitive travel sites
The research was carried out over a period of 3 weeks in March and April, which represents a substantial limitation in the results, given the price volatility. However, comparisons were possible to compare different experiences in terms of competitiveness, responsiveness (staff and Sites), hospitality and services. Results: the sites are on average more competitive than travel agencies. Vol24 offers the best tariff (€ 3,095) compared with the other OTAs and comparators, far ahead Darjeelin (€ 3,632). But the simulation does not include administrative costs (€ 5 200 segments), bringing the final fare Vol24 about € 3,295. Among the traditional travel agencies is Planet Air Travel emerges with the best offer offline (€ 3,800).

Another major conclusion: the fragmentation of the world tour, on several sites, to optimize its budget, says a student, Mathis, based on the matrix that was carried out to compare the segments. Beyond price, students compared the services. The vast majority of them lamented an overall lack of transparency of traditional agencies, including two just sent specific routes. They also regret and especially the lack of listening to some councilors. Two agencies simply do not respond to the request of round the world, despite their promises, although students have moved on the point of sale. Moreover, the time required by other were often long. And professional nonchalance, a commonplace but two qualified agencies pleasing, pleasant and very attentive (of 12 agencies surveyed in total in the test bench).

The towers of the world are not the most profitable products to sell, the distributors would have had reason to encourage their prospects to do on their own website long and tedious research required. In the age of multi-channel strategies, one has suggested ...

In the end, if they were to repeat the experience, all students would carry out their online requests from agencies online and comparators.


Direction Ireland, leading destination for green and wild tourism. Certainly the weather and climate are not the same as Spain, but the scenic beauty is breathtaking!

Largely dominated by grassland, the island still offers a wide variety of landscapes. The east coast to the sandy beaches contrast to the West Coast to the relief cut as the Cliffs of Moher. The Ring of Kerry on the edge of the ocean is an explosion of blue and green while the Connemara landscape are declined brown bog dark color lakes Guinness
Of course, the so-called "green Erin" there are charming towns and animated as his capital Dublin, Cork or Galway. Small country with people of great hospitality, it is in its pubs you enjoy the jovial temperament of the Irish.

You will discover on this island inhabited since prehistoric times many vestiges of the past: castles, churches and monasteries ... You can also see magnificent Celtic art in museums.

But Ireland, which displays impressive economic growth in recent years is certainly looking to the future. Its young population and technological industries promise to be great assets for the years to come.

Ireland is finally a land of wonder. Because a traffic jam in the open field due to wayward sheep, an infant at the pub grabbed his Guinness or a priest who tells you between two pints Saint Patrick, it only happens here!


If Switzerland is suffering, above all, a series of shots (chocolate, watches, cuckoo or the austere bankers), this small country in the center of Europe offers a diversity of landscapes and cultures to say the least fascinating.

Like its steep hills, Switzerland is a paradox, beyond the smooth, neutral image that sticks to the skin. To the rich cultural past (the role of its citizens during the Reformation, for example) meet today, the responsibilities of international organizations. What could be more normal for a country that has managed the merger of French specificities, Italian and German!

Currently, Switzerland is always with 3 federal languages (French, German and Italian), plus Romansh is the official national language, although minority. These linguistic particularities have created geographic boundaries. Of the 41.290 km² of territory that comprise Switzerland, west of Geneva in Valais, is French. It's called the Switzerland. On the other side of the Sarine River, is German-speaking Switzerland, the largest and most populated. Finally, to the south, the Italian Switzerland Ticino.

These geographical boundaries are, however, different political boundaries. Switzerland, with its capital Bern, is a federal state divided into 20 cantons and 6 half-cantons. These small states, each with its customs, form the Swiss Confederation. The difference here is grown. The variety of landscapes and traditions make this country one of the oldest in the world, a haven of peace and relaxation.

Whatever your activities (sports or cultural - museums seem to grow like mushrooms), you will keep a lasting memory of your trip, as was the case with Goethe and Alexandre Dumas.

World tour of outdoor art

1. Angel of the North (Gateshead)

This strange steel sculpture dominates the Tyneside conurbation in England, from the top of a hill. As high as four double-decker bus and off as a Boeing 747, is visible for miles around. Its "wings" amply deployed attest that it is an angel, but the metal structure evokes rather a cyborg from the future. Anyway, it is very impressive.
You can not miss the "North Angel", which happens to Gateshead rail or the A1 motorway. For a closer look, take Angel Gateshead Interchange Bus or Bus Station Eldon Sq, in Newcastle.

2. East Side Gallery (Berlin)

After 1989, the Berlin Wall used to support countless artists to express the euphoria of reunification. The East Side Gallery, the longest remnant of the wall is covered with more than 100 paintings and graffiti. Dreamlike creatures inspired by Dalí and drawings of brick walls dismantled (how Pink Floyd) still evoke forcefully surge of hope that represented the Wall. Much of these works have been degraded by weather or vandalism, but a restoration program was fortunately engaged there a few years.
The East Side Gallery is located near the city center. It can be reached by train (get off at the station Ostbahnhof). 

3. Drawings Banksy stencil

The works of the enigmatic and prolific Banksy can be admired all over the world, the wall separating Israel from Palestine in Bristol, where rumor has it that he created. Mixtures stencil painting and graffiti, these creations treating political and cultural news on the critical mode has elevated the art of the street to the summits. Banksy said he had set stencil graffiti because taking too long. Hurry up to admire his works in situ before they are deleted at the request of authorities or auctioned at Sotheby's.

4. Statue of Liberty (New York)

Is it because of his name? Everyone seems to believe allowed to take liberties with what has become the main symbol of the United States. After almost destroyed during a German bombing in 1916, she was half buried under radioactive dust in Planet of the Apes (1968). Then the magician David Copperfield squarely put away in 1983, it was transformed into a living creature in Ghostbusters II (1989), destroyed in Independence Day (1996) and covered with snow in The Day After Tomorrow (2004).
One can access the pedestal of the statue with a previously Monument Pass purchased online. 

5. Rodina Mat (Volgograd)

Hats off! The Rodina Mat ("Motherland"), which overlooks the Mamayev Kurgan in Russia (a hill become a vast memorial), is one of the largest statues in the world: 83 m high. Gigantism commensurate with the 30 million Russians died during the Second World War which it pays homage. Away from the serenity of the Statue of Liberty, the Motherland seems the expression of power and anger: she brandishes a sword 11 m length and mouth twists in an angry snarl.
Going up to the statue, the tunnel into the hillside houses a monument to the Battle of Stalingrad.

6. Park Güell (Barcelona)
Created between 1900 and 1914, Park Güell in Barcelona was designed by Antoni Gaudí, visionary architect, darling of the Spaniards. It was originally part of a new city, but the project was soon abandoned. Gaudí was able to give free rein to his taste for original architecture, inspired by the forms observed in nature walkways evoking a cloister buried among the roots of a tree-like columns truncated stalagmites covered with colorful mosaics, long bench snake-like, caves, niches and crannies galore. An unrivaled masterpiece.

7. Stravinsky Fountain (Paris)

Round black metal or controllers and colorful are splashing water, pulsate, the vaporize, make it swirl in a somewhat frenzied pace reminiscent of the circus or jazz. Made in 1983 by Jean Tinguely (black machines) and Niki de Saint Phalle (the colorful sculptures), this fountain in memory of Igor Stravinsky evokes the influence of jazz on the great Russian composer. Installed on the place Igor-Stravinsky fountain creates a fun activity between the colored lines from the Pompidou Centre and the Gothic Saint-Merri church.
The National Museum of Modern Art in the Pompidou Centre visit for free on the 1st Sunday of each month.

8. Mission Murals (San Francisco)

Inspired by the Mexican murals of the 1920s as well as by delusions psychedelic 1960s, these famous paintings colored walls of countless Latino Mission District in San Francisco. Spanish motifs, Aztec and Mayan, human rights, football, carnival and Mexican cinema are the most common themes, but most important of all remains the representation of the Latino community.

9. Mount Rushmore (South Dakota)

The giant portraits of four presidents of the United States (Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln) carved into the side of Mount Rushmore have profoundly permeated American popular culture, by Northwest to Simpsons, while maintaining their dignity. If they were endowed body, these characters would measure almost 150 m high.

Off season travel ideas


If the spring weather is random in Greece, the months of September and October reserve beautiful surprises for sports enthusiasts, especially in the islands. There is no better time to enjoy windsurfing spots: Hrysi Akti Paros (Cyclades) and Vassiliki on Lefkada (Ionian Islands) are among the best beaches for windsurfing. Mykonos, Naxos, Ios, Samos ... reputable sites abound and the water is still showing there nice temperatures. The off-season is also ideal for hiking in the hills of Andros (Cyclades) or olive groves in Skopelos (Sporades), when the sun is still warm but less threatening.
The autumn months also enable to benefit from better rates on a flight from Paris to Athens.

2. Hurricane Season for ABC islands (Netherlands Antilles)

Hurricanes are a serious problem in the Caribbean paradise where between June and November, warm waters as popular tourist attract storms. Each island suffers generally at least a weather alert per year and is directly affected every 5 to 10 years. However, those of the southern Caribbean, located outside the Hurricane Alley ("hurricane alley"), know almost never storms: With their colorful colonial architecture, their beautiful beaches and stunning dive sites, Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao is great summer destinations.
The three islands have international airports and official languages are Dutch, English and Papiamento.

3. Rainy season, falling iguazú (Brazil / Argentina)

The word comes from the Guarani Iguazú i ("water") and kuasu ("great"): the great waters, yes, but they are larger at some times than others. Straddling between Brazil and Argentina, the 275 waterfalls 80 m high and 3 km wide gush jungle, spilling 6,500 m3 of water / second at their annual peak. But during the peak tourist season (dry season from April to June), this flow is sometimes reduced to a trickle. You will see the falls in all their fiery splendor during the wet season between December and February: just remember to bring your raincoat.
If the Argentine side offers views close more varied, the Brazilian side has the advantage of the panorama.

4. Lake Baikal in the Ice (Russia)

Lake Baikal is in Siberia: a name to shiver more muffled. It is therefore not surprising that this immeasurable blue expanse is mostly visited in summer. But winter when the temperature drops, is much more fun: you can crack his footsteps on the huge frozen puddle and see kelp forests swing across his thick (2 m) but transparent layer of ice. You can browse this crystal universe dogsledding, ski or snowmobile, or on a hovercraft to jump on frozen waves like a skateboard ramp before warm up in a banya (Russian sauna).
Flights connect the major cities in Russia in Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude (65 km and 250 km from Baikal), which are also on the Trans-Siberian route.

5. TREK DURING THE MONSOON, Western Ghats (India)

Mumbai (Bombay) in the monsoon? It would be crazy! Certainly the Indian metropolis is not very funny between June and September, when heavy rain flooded the streets and spread disease. However, 100 km inland, the Sahyadri Mountains (part of the Western Ghats string) come alive: a dream playground. Seasonal rivers and waterfalls reach their maximum speed (ideal for rappelling and rafting), while the campaign shines bright green. In addition, with the rain, temperatures remain cool for hikes on old trails between ruined fortresses and private accommodation.
Malshej Ghat (154 km from Mumbai) is a popular attraction for hikers. Flamingos migrate there during the monsoon.

6. Winter in Venice (Italy)

A low fog along the canals, deserted streets paved with brilliant, a San Marco without tourists: in Venice in winter, it's cold and damp, and the city is sometimes literally wet (during aqua alta, "high water"), but the chance to lose without the crowds worth putting on your boots and bundle up. Headlight landmarks such as the Rialto Bridge or the splendid Gallerie dell'Accademia sometimes help you find your way, but the interest lies in the picturesque small streets and cozy cafes where, of course, there will always be a place.
Alilaguna provides boat connections between Marco Polo Airport and St. Mark's Square; count just over 1 hour away.
In winter you can get lost in Venice without the crowds.

7. On the trail of wolves in winter, Yellowstone National Park (United States)

Over 3 million people are crammed into Yellowstone National Park in the summer, against 140,000 only in winter. Admittedly, some roads closed between December and March and temperatures drop to -20 ° C, but the benefits are many: not only the flagship sites are deserted by tourists, but the fauna and flora are beautiful. Endemic species such as elk, bison or Canadian mouflon winter at lower altitudes and are visible over 1.5 km of distance on the shimmering ground ice. As a bonus, it is possible to hire a naturalist guide to follow the gray wolf, to identifiable footprints in the pristine snow.

8. Winter Surf (Portugal)

Chic, quiet, extravagant and eye-l'oeil: each taste its seaside resort: Continental Portugal has around 950 km of coastline, and for most, they are ideal for summer holidays. But winter is the season of surfers: Atlantic waves are larger and constants, deserted beaches, and it is not so cold (although a good combination to be significant, the water being 17 ° C on average). In the south, the Algarve is full of quiet spots between Lagos and Sagres, with a milder climate. But the most sensational waves pounding over north: do you dare brave the breaks in the vicinity of Porto and the Costa Verde?

9. Hawaii (United States)

Hawaii has two high seasons see prices soaring: the winter, when travelers come to escape the cold and the summer, when families arrive for the holidays. In truth, no period is to banish this volcanic archipelago, which enjoys great weather all year round, with average temperatures of 25-30 ° C. That said, the months from April to June will not only mark the beginning of the dry season they are outside of the July-November period, more prone to hurricanes, and humpback whales (who flocked off Maui from December) it linger into May.
Temperatures falling with altitude, better wear appropriate clothing to visit volcanoes as Haleakala (Maui) and Kilauea (the Big Island).

10. Safari during the "green season" (Botswana)

Botswana is not a cheap safari destination, but when the crowds go home, the travelers ready to endure a barrage make a deal. The months from November to April are euphemistically dubbed the "green season" (the rains are frequent and dense vegetation that results makes the fauna and flora more difficult to observe), and it is at this time that accommodation displayed significant promotions and the landscapes are the most lush, attracting myriads of birds. Many animals give birth in this season: a good guide will show you a small crowd of lively and predators lurking nearby, looking for an easy meal.

Tourism in Egypt

Egypt can be considered as a newcomer to the international tourism industry. Yet in a very short time, precisely in less than three decades, the country has managed to establish itself as one of the most important tourist destinations. Thus Egypt rose 1.4 million tourists and $ 304 million of income during the 80s, a workforce of 11 million visitors and revenues of 7.3 billion dollars in 2007, according to figures from National mobilization and Statistics Authority. And we are still far from investing 100% of the versatile tourism potential of the country. The party is just beginning.

With the development of the heritage of ancient Egypt, the country has shown a tourist profile. This cultural tourism evolved in parallel with another kind of leisure tourism, meeting the needs of an Arab clientele who opted instead for the night life and entertainment. With the rapid development in the tourism world and the emergence of other tourist types, the political decision was determined to invest heavily in this industry, source of foreign exchange.

Tourism in Egypt has seen so spectacular growth in the last thirty years. Ensuring good infrastructure (airports, hotels and resorts) and the diversity of the offer (cultural tourism, beach, or leisure) have increased the number of visitors. International hotel brands, sought one after another presence in Egypt, to meet growing demand from their customers.

Paradoxically, the country was the target of several terrorist attacks in the first place for tourists. According to the website "Geotourism" 311 people were killed during these murderous attacks between l990 and 2006. Egypt has recovered the impact of these incidents, and oddly a month after the attacks in Sharm El Sheik, in 2005, the number of tourists recorded an unprecedented rise! "Travelers have become more resistant to the fear of an attack, as can happen n 'anywhere. "Says a report by the World Tourism Organization.

Currently Egypt seeks new horizons with new types of tourism, which will go together with mass tourism. Indeed, business travel management, the organization of conferences and events, ecotourism oases, and therapeutic spa tourism, really come promising, provided to ensure good quality of service and personal trained.

Tourism in CHINA


The decision to travel notes to yourself. It is also You are solely responsible for ensuring your personal safety abroad. These Travel Report is intended to provide you with updated information so you can make informed decisions.

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

Sporadic clashes occur in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. There were reports of attacks using explosive devices, firearms and knives, which resulted in deaths and injuries in many cases. It is expected that the civil unrest and sporadic violence continues. The presence of armed police is visible and local authorities continue to monitor the situation closely. Curfews and other restrictions may be imposed on short notice. The attacks do not specifically target tourists or foreigners, but the danger of being in the wrong place at the wrong time is always present. Avoid crowds and demonstrations and follow the advice of local authorities.


Petty crime such as pickpocketing, bag snatching, theft, theft of cell phones and laptops, are common, even in daylight. Foreigners are targeted, especially in large cities and tourist areas. Be vigilant in all crowded place, including tourist sites, trade shows, restaurants, coffee shops, Internet cafes, markets and department stores. Never have about you large sums of money. Put valuables, with the exception of your passport in a hotel safe. Violent crime is rare, but foreigners have been attacked and robbed.

Minor crimes are reported and sexual harassment on buses and overnight trains. If traveling by train, make sure your compartment contains only your luggage and those of other occupants. Store personal belongings in a safe place and do not leave the compartment unattended. Well lock the doors.

Cases of extortion by taxi drivers, motorcycle and pedicab rose. Foreign nationals have also been approached by strangers and invited to have a drink (usually tea or alcohol) in a nearby hotel. They were then presented with a bill shocks (sometimes amounting to hundreds of dollars), they were forced to pay under threat. In some cases, the person was injured. Be cautious with regard to unsolicited requests from strangers who want to "practice English" or ask you to accompany them in a "gallery" or an unknown location and scams by phone the person calling claims that you are the subject of an investigation by local authorities. Visit our Fraud abroad for details about scams committed abroad.

Since the beginning of 2014, explosions and knife attacks resulting in deaths and injuries in public places, including busiest railway stations.

Attacks by armed bandits pose a risk in remote areas. The police are not very present in the border areas with Burma, Laos, Pakistan, Russia and Vietnam.


Demonstrations are illegal and it is recommended to avoid them. Participants can be severe legal action.

transport network

Bad habits and poor condition of roads outside the large cities make travel dangerous. Avoid traveling outside of major cities after dark.

China has an extensive rail network. Most trains are slow, except for express trains on the busiest lines. Taxis are plentiful in major cities. It is found in front of hotels and taxi stations. Like most drivers do not speak English or French, ask someone who speaks Chinese to enter your destination in detail on a small card that you present to the driver. We can rent a car in the big cities, usually with driver.

Ferry accidents occurred in China, as the boats were overloaded. Use caution and common sense when using maritime transport. Do not climb aboard an overloaded ferry.

Transport security check to verify if national airlines meet safety standards.


There are reports of attacks by pirates in coastal waters and sometimes farther offshore. Mariners should take the necessary precautions. For more information, see the Live Piracy Report website (in English) of the International Maritime Bureau

Mountain hiking

If you plan to make a mountain hike:

a) never go;
b) always hire an experienced guide working for a reputable company;
c) subscribe to a travel insurance that covers helicopter rescue services and evacuation in case of emergency;
d) make sure to be in excellent physical shape;
e) entrust a copy of your itinerary to a family member or friend;
f) be aware of the symptoms of acute mountain sickness (which can be fatal);
g) register with a Canadian government office in China;
h) get specific information about the trails before leaving.

Tourism in Morocco

Morocco is a complete destination that will appeal to the greatest number of travelers. Lazy lovers club hotel, architecture enthusiasts, hiking fans in the desert ... everyone will find his account by making a trip to Morocco.

First, if you want to enjoy the beach and water activities, I advise you to stay in Agadir. This is the quintessential seaside town in Morocco, hotels clubs are numerous. Not far away, the city of Essaouira worth visiting.

For a lively holiday in the heart of Morocco, make treatments at the hotel's spa, interfere in local life and to discover beautiful monuments, the city of Marrakech is the perfect destination.

As for architecture lovers, visiting the imperial cities proves to be essential during a trip to Morocco (Fez, Marrakech, Rabat and Meknes).

Finally, if you are attached, like me, to discover exceptional landscapes, I recommend you head towards the south of Morocco, why not booking a desert ride? You can discover the oasis to the 4 * 4 or riding a camel in the dunes of the Sahara and marvel at the mountain landscapes of the Atlas.

I reveal my heart stroke during my last stay in Morocco: the sunset in the dunes of Merzouga.

Souks, medinas, riads and kasbahs will have no secret for you if you have the chance to spend your holiday in Morocco.