
dimanche 8 février 2015

Top 10 snowy places in the world

Snag, Yukon, Canada

Yukon province is located in the North West of Canada. City Snag is ranked among the coldest inhabited places in the world - including the coldest of North America with -64º C already achieved.

Prospect Creek, Alaska, United States

Close to the first destination, Alaska is known for its low temperatures. Prospect Creek is a small town inhabited frequently reached - 62.1 ° C! Wrap up warm if you go!

The village of Oymyakon, Russia

Direction Europe: the village of Oymyakon in Russia is part of the coldest places in the world. With -71,2º C already identified, this place is inhabited. In particular it is classified as a "place inhabited the coldest of the planet." Approximately 500 to 900 people live in this village to the east of Russia, 350 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle. A place where laptops can not exist where car engines are forced to remain on ...

Karasjok, Norway

The three Scandinavian countries attract many tourists. But do not forget his heavy coat, boots and gloves! Karasjok is in the North of Norway. You will find snow and more snow! Temperatures can go down to - 51.4 ° C.

Kittila, Finland

Kittilä is also in the north of Finland. As for Norway, you have to like the cold to get there! Enjoy her beautiful snowy landscapes, far from tourists attracted by the South.

Kiruna, Sweden

Kiruna is also housed a small town in northern Sweden. The temperature is not lower than its two neighbors. Close to two borders, you will easily have the opportunity to browse the 3 countries and enjoy the snowy view you offer landscapes around you.

Inverness, Scotland

Closer to home: Scotland. The beautiful city of Inverness is at the heart of the Highlands, at the northern tip of the famous lake of Loch Ness. If the cold, snow and monster make you dream, then this is the perfect destination for you.

Mohe, China

Mohe is a small province in northern China. You will discover another aspect of the country, different from the south with the famous cities of Shanghai and Hong Kong. There is colder but the lifestyle is also nice and people equally welcoming.

Nuuk, Greenland

The Groeland is certainly not the archipelago which attracts the most tourists. But for cold love is one of the best adventure to go there. The capital, Nuuk, is a fresh warm and welcoming city!

Dalvik, Iceland

Dalvik is a beautiful city in the north of Iceland. Near Greenland, also fall under its spell. Enjoy all the activities and of course the snow!

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